Wednesday, May 18, 2016

"Orphan Train" Book Club Ideas Part 2

“I've come to think that's what heaven is- a place in the memory of others where our best selves live on.” 
― Christina Baker KlineOrphan Train

Orphan Train by Christina Baker Kline is a book that has many themes. There is the theme of foster care, adoption, family history, unexpected relationships, inhumane acts of violence and of course the train that took children from large cities to be adopted by families in the midwest to be more like indentured servants then a part of a new family. We had so much to talk about and even some tears were shed. It was an emotional night because of the book and because of how the book touched so close to home in some cases. I think it is so interesting that the program that started the Orphan Train is still up and running in New York City. Of course they aren’t shipping children off to be used anymore. 


Well this was a pretty simple one to decorate for. Trains had to be in the decorations and so we found a great one to put around the food on the table. 

Also this super cute banner. 

Carissa also printed up pictures from her family history of ancestors of hers that were put on a string and hung over the fireplace. 

She also printed up pictures of children in Utah who are in the foster care system that are waiting to be adopted and placed them scattered on the table. 

There was also a children’s easel with a favorite quote from the book on it.


Before the discussion began we were told to pick a picture from the coffee table. Any picture that we were drawn to or that the person was interesting. Then she proceeded to have each of us show our picture then she went online to the Utah Foster Care website and read about that child who is waiting to be adopted.

Carissa also asked if any of us were foster parents or have adopted any children. We had many in our group that shared their experience and heart felt love and heart ache for these children.

We also watched a you tube video of the author answering book club questions. It was well worth the … minutes.

Our newest Book Club Baby
Olive Grace
Congrats Robin! She is so beautiful.

Our other Book Club Babies. They’ve been coming for a while and we love them.

If you are interested in becoming a foster parent please go check out their website and help in any way you can.
Utah Foster Care

If you missed the other posts on Orphan Train be sure to check them out.

Thank you so much to Carissa for moderating this amazing Book Club Night.

And Thank You to Summer for all the beautiful pictures.

We also wanted to say goodbye to HIKARI who has to leave us and move to California. You will be missed. Make sure to come back as often as you can. 
We will for sure see you at the Harry Potter Extravaganza for sure and we can't wait to see as Severus Snape. 

“So is it just human nature to believe that things happen for a reason - to find some shred of meaning even in the worst experiences?” 
― Christina Baker KlineOrphan Train


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