Monday, April 4, 2016

OUTLANDER: Dragonfly in Amber




One on my very favorite words in the English language.
I once joked that this particular book ripped my heart out and smashed it all to pieces. 
Then it healed me. 
And then did it all again…. 
It is intense and it is rough. 
It is a beautiful and heart wrenching tale and it hits home on too many levels….
…..It’s my favorite.
Well, I suppose I could say that about some others as well. But this one?
It left a mark…and it’s the One I took with me to Scotland…

Hello, I’m Staci  
and I’m Guest Blogging here on Delicious Reads this week.

Imagine, if you will, that the love of your life took your very favorite Book (as book lovers, I can guess that you might appreciate this dream) and made it into a Spectacular TV Series. Picked the exact right actors. That he spared no expense and literally left nothing out without your approval. (This may or may not be true, but it seems so) And asked you design all the Costumes!?!? 

Sounds a bit like a Love Story.
                       Well, if you know anything about Outlander, then you know, its a good love story. A love that transcends a lifetime….

In anticipation of the Premiere of the Second Season of Outlander on Starz, (April 9th, 2016 7:00 pm MT) which is based on the Second Book in the Outlander Series, Dragonfly in Amber, I have been asked to help fuel the excitement or ease the pain of what the DieHard Outlander Fans refer to as #Droughtlander. It’s nearly over!

In other words, I’m inviting you to join me. 

If you are not currently a fan of Outlander, books or TV Series, let’s hope you soon will be. Season 1 is airing for free on Starz On Demand until April 10th so it’s a good time to give it a try! 

And I’m giving stuff away!!

Then you too, can spend some time in, what I affectionately refer to as “Outlander Purgatory”. It’s real (there is a website!) and it is not for the faint of heart, my friends. The Books are really big!!! The TV Series is Beautiful! Really Beautiful! 
And Scotland is front and center!!! 

The second half of Season 2 returns to Scotland, however, it begins in France.
The first part of the Second Season is less sword fighting and kilt wearing than Season 1 and more Intrigue and back stabbing. It’s political and intense. And at the center of it is a beautiful quiet little boy named Fergus. An orphaned pickpocket who is sort of adopted by Jamie and Claire as they try to infiltrate the Jacobite effort in order to change History. They are posers, out of place in this impeccably dressed City of Love. And this little boy, invisible to the high society, is able to help.

Fergus runs through the Streets of Paris stealing letters from Royalty and bringing them back to Jamie and then returning them unnoticed.
This is the intrigue. The spying. The beginning….
Something happens to the little boy that sets Jamie off and then…..everything changes….old wounds are opened and tragedy and betrayal ensue… 
I could go on but instead I will just let you anticipate.

Watch Season 1. Read the Books.
I'll wait. 

I am very patient. And Droughtlander Anticipation and converting new people to Outlander is my specialty….

The Creator of this wonderfully adapted Series is Ron D. Moore. He is brilliant and he did this for his wife. Costume Designer Terry Dresbach. Outlander is her favorite Book and this Series is his gift to her. 

You guys, their love story is so sweet. It’s like the modern day version of Jamie and Claire. It’s beautiful. And he once said that “My one job, simply put, is to not screw up my wife’s favorite book”. Don’t you wish everyone took such care with your precious books?

Believe me, he has done her proud. And the Costumes? They are spectacular!!! It follows the book as close as it possibly can and it will take your breath away. That, I promise.
And the Soundtrack by Bear McCreary alone will make you a fan. 

It is a quality Series (and the actors are gorgeous!!) made by people who care about doing it right. And if you are lucky, like me, it might end in a trip to Scotland. At the very least, it will be on your Bucket List. And it will be worth it.

My own family has accused me of being a wee bit obsessed with Outlander. Maybe staged an Intervention or two. I’m not entirely sure that I agree but because of it I have learned to knit.

And learned to cook every Scottish dish I can find. (Thank goodness for Outlander Kitchen)

And my husband AND EVERYONE I KNOW has become my taste testers. (this part has been so fun)! So it’s really benefited them as well. We are all winners here!!

And I love giving Outlander stuff away!!!

And the best part? My own Real Life Jamie took me to Scotland….
So in my opinion, Outlander is the Gift that keeps on giving

So join me (through Instagram of course) on this strange and beautiful Scottish Journey. We could make something awesome every Weekend (for 13 straight weeks) from Outlander Kitchen in anticipation of the new episode. (If you want my advice, your first viewing, at least, should be “unfolded” week by week. Just like in the “olden days” unless you are marathoning Season 1). 

We could color in the AMAZING Outlander Coloring Book with a smile on our faces while we wait until the new episode airs, which our husbands promised to watch with us if we let them watch Golf in peace. 
Maybe that is just me.

But, what’s coming up, promises to be amazing.
So follow along and enjoy a really great book. And a really great TV Series. 
And maybe enter to win this on @deliciousreads on Instagram!!!!!!

An “Outlander: Dragonfly In Amber” Themed Book Box!!!

1. A Hard Back Copy of Dragonfly in Amber by Diana Gabaldon

2. Dragonfly In Amber Book Scents Candle and 4 Wax Tart Samples From the Amazing Lalana Lillie

3. Handmade matches

4. Arm Warmers made (by me specifically for this purpose) from Scottish Alpaca Wool and Australian Merino Wool 

5. A pretty pair for Paris and a warm pair for Scotland.

6. Ten sheets of authentic parchment paper
Signet Seal with Sealing Wax.

7. And if you are lucky, I might throw in some Shortbread and some other Scottish Goodies. Maybe.

I know, I know. I get very carried away but like I told you before,

It’s a real thing. And you have been warned.
“I will find you," he whispered in my ear. "I promise. If I must endure two hundred years of purgatory, two hundred years without you - then that is my punishment, which I have earned for my crimes.His voice dropped, nearly to a whisper, and his arms tightened around me...
...Lord, ye gave me a rare woman, and God! I loved her well.” ― Diana GabaldonDragonfly in Amber


Robyn said...

Love your writing & I want to WIN

Unknown said...

I loved the dynamics between her and Jamie as well as the rest of the characters that add such depth and dimension to the story. There are no words to express the emotions that welled within me as I walked the path Claire took. The angst is high, the humor surprising, the conflicts real and the love everlasting. So glad I decided to try it. I will soon be going into the second book.

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