
Contact Me

I love working with great companies and bloggers so please contact me with your ideas and let’s figure out a way to collaborate! Email me at

I am happy to receive items for review, and feature them on my blog and all our social media platforms. Please email me at if you have an item you'd like to share.

*I am an affiliate with Amazon, Jane and a few other sites. This means that if you click a link and make a purchase from an affiliate site, I may get a (very) small commission. It won't change how much you pay for an item and it allows me to make enough money for my book club to throw our annual book club retreat in November. I hope you consider that a win-win since the retreat is where we plan out our next years worth of books. ;)


  1. I am an author that wrote a novel published in 2014 that I would like to have reviewed by a book club. You ladies seem like the perfect bunch after looking at the party you had with Ilima Todd. Contact me at to get the rest of the story.

  2. Hello Kelly and ladies,

    A BLAZING GILDED AGE is a gripping family saga that features a broad array of iconic figures, like Teddy Roosevelt, Mark Twain and others. More info:

    For a special book club discount contact

    Happy reading!

  3. This comment is just to write "I LOVE your blog!" I came across you on Pinterest when searching for something different from our usual fruit/cheese/crackers to serve at the next book club meeting. Coorelating menus with your reads is such a great idea, although if our group had to cook a meal, we wouldn't have a book club. HA!! Age wise most of us are in our 70s and, unlikeJulia Child, we only cook as absolutely necessary . However, this month's snacks (at my house) wil consist, in part, of hot tea and scones to go with Agnes Grey by Ann Bronte. I'm still mulling over ideas for some modest, book related decorations. And I plan to recommend adding Book To Movie to our list of topics . I'm rambling...which is what happends when you reach your 70s. Thanks again for some wonderful ideas.

    Judith McQ

  4. I love your blog and your book club!! If you ever need a new member, please pick me!!! ;)
    Have used many of your ideas, books, etc. for my own book club. Thank you for sharing!!

  5. Do you have any suggestions to get a new autor a widder audience for clean wholesome romance?

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  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Please can you make me a harry potter mirror. I love everything about it. Im not disabled so can't do it myself
    Please call me 07913056363


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